Good Friday At Home Reflective Experience

Hello Friends! I hope and pray you are safe and well as we find ourselves in such a troubled time. Never would we have imagined that we’d be unable to physically be present in our places of worship especially with Good Friday and Easter right around the corner. Grace Fellowship Church Shrewsbury had asked me to create an interactive Good Friday Reflective Experience before all the craziness began and I was happy to accept. I love creating environments for people to encounter the loving Presence of our Mighty God. Unfortunately with the restrictions upon us, we had to re-think the plan. I’m happy to offer you in partnership with GFCS, an interactive Good Friday experience that begins on April 4th and each day thereafter during Passion Week based on the last sayings of Jesus from the cross. Links are included and there are wonderful activities you can do with your families as you shelter through this difficult season. I pray you will be blessed as you remember the amazing sacrifice of love offered to us by our dear Jesus Christ. All for His glory! Nothing can stand against the worship of our Suffering Savior and Resurrected King! much love family of God! Kelly

An Interactive AT HOME Reflective Experience

April 4 – Station 1 – Sand Station  

SCRIPTURE: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:24  


WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A tray or plate filled with sand, dirt or potting soil or sugar, a pen or straw and a back scratcher, fork or mini gardening rake.WHAT YOU WILL DO: Label the tray or plate with EAST and WEST. With pencil or straw, write “MY SIN” in the sand, soil or sugar. Take a “rake” or fork and go over MY SIN until it is completely erased! This is what Jesus has done for us through His suffering.  He remembers no more!

  • READ Together Psalm 103:12: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love… as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgression from us.”
  • Pause and Pray that God would give you His eyes to see that as you put your trust in Christ, He only sees the perfection of Jesus in you. He no longer sees any of your sin!
April 5 – Station 2 – Paradise Garden  

 SCRIPTURE: “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:43  

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Fruit like pineapples, oranges, tissue paper, thread or ribbon, paper, gold crayons, markers, copy of “Imagine Heaven” if you have one. Coloring Page attached.

WHAT YOU WILL DO: Consider making a paradise garden in a room of your home. Sample some delicious fruits. Make tissue paper flowers and display them in the room or any greenery plants in your house.  If you have children, you can make “cobble stones of gold” out of paper and markers and line a hallway as a street of gold.

If you have a copy of “Imagine Heaven”, read some excerpts from it and/or have some conversations about what you imagine is in heaven.  What are some things you are looking forward to seeing or doing? Pray a prayer of thanks for what God has provided for you through the death and resurrection of Christ – an eternal home in His Presence!

WORSHIP SONG: “I Can Only Imagine” – Casting Crowns

April 6 – Station 3 – Wall of Remembrance  
  • SCRIPTURE: “Woman, behold your Son… Behold your mother.” John 19: 26-27  
  • WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Chalk board or bulletin board and/or note cards
  • WHAT YOU WILL DO: Consider displaying the names of the Spiritual Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters that are not necessarily blood related to you but have had a spiritual impact on your life.  Perhaps you have been guided and loved by a Spiritual “mom” or “dad” – write them a note telling them how they have impacted you.  Or perhaps you ARE a spiritual mom or dad to someone.  What words of hope and wisdom would you like to impart to them? Consider writing them a note as well.
  • WORSHP SONG: “Build My Life” w/ Cory Asbury
April 7 – Station 4– The Crown, The Nails, The Cross  

 SCRIPTURE: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46

Hebrews 13:5 “Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you.”

  • WHAT YOU WILL NEED: Nails, Hammer, piece of wood, clippings from a bush or a small grapevine wreath from the dollar store, toothpicks, glue dots or glue.
  • WHAT YOU WILL DO: Consider writing your name on a piece or paper and have your family do the same.  Nail the paper to a wooden board to signify that Jesus bore the full weight of your sin and took your place.  For directions on how to make a crown of thorns visit:
  • Realize that because of the finished work of Christ you will NEVER be forsaken! When have you experienced the comforting presence of God in your life? Share with your family.   
  •  WORSHIP SONG:  “Reckless Love of God” Cory Asbury
April 8- Station 5– Living Fountain  
  • SCRIPTURE: “I thirst.” John 19:28 
  • Read John 4. Talk or journal about how Jesus has refreshed you. Is there anything blocking the Living Fountain that is within you? How are you keeping your soul hydrated? Have a discussion about the humanity of Christ – how you think he felt in His human body.
  • WHAT YOU’LL NEED: pitcher of water and a bowl, cup of water for each member
  • WHAT TO DO: Take the filled pitcher and pour out slowly until every drop is gone from the pitcher.  This is a symbol of the humanity of Jesus, who is the Living Water who poured out everything on our behalf. Every drop of blood, sweat, tears for us.
  • WORSHIP SONG: “WellSpring” Audra Lynn
April 9 – Station 6– Communion  
April 10 – Station 7– Resurrection Garden  


SCRIPTURE: “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.”  Luke 23:46 

  • WHAT YOU WILL DO: Follow directions from above link. Most of these items are probably lying around your house or yard.
  • Think through some things you want to surrender and place them on small pieces of paper in the “tomb”. Remember that His love for you and His resurrection power conquers all things!

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 1The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.   Romans 6:8-11