Hello Friends! I hope and pray you are safe and well as we find ourselves in such a troubled time. Never would we have imagined that we’d be unable to physically be present in our places of worship especially with Good Friday and Easter right around the corner. Grace Fellowship Church Shrewsbury had asked me to create an interactive Good Friday Reflective Experience before all the craziness began and I was happy to accept. I love creating environments for people to encounter the loving Presence of our Mighty God. Unfortunately with the restrictions upon us, we had to re-think the plan. I’m happy to offer you in partnership with GFCS, an interactive Good Friday experience that begins on April 4th and each day thereafter during Passion Week based on the last sayings of Jesus from the cross. Links are included and there are wonderful activities you can do with your families as you shelter through this difficult season. I pray you will be blessed as you remember the amazing sacrifice of love offered to us by our dear Jesus Christ. All for His glory! Nothing can stand against the worship of our Suffering Savior and Resurrected King! much love family of God! Kelly